I found these cute vinyl bags (bigger than most shopping bags) on clearance at Staples (for 0.50 each). They have a Post-It Notes logo on them, I am not sure what they were original intended to be used for but they do make great shopping bags. So I bought a few. And then went back and bought the other 10!
I personalized this one for my GF's daughter, her bedroom is in black and white damask with pink accents - a perfect addition to her room. I used pink permanent (glossy) vinyl, cut at a force of 4 (blade = 2) on the Cameo from MTC. The font used is Balmoral (Chopin is very similar as well). I had some trouble getting good pictures due to the glare.
A big initial on one side.

And her name at the top on the other. So coming or going you will know whose bag it is!
The pink did not show up as well as I would have liked.
So I did a little shadowing with a black Sharpie marker.
What a great idea! I love the shadowing with the marker...it makes it pop a bit!
Hi nelda - wasn't sure how to leave you a message other than here. My godchild is getting married and wanted to make pocketfold invitations. I was searching the internet and came across one you had made for a lady with the cricuit. Would appreciate a copy of your cut file. My email address is:
mr_conboy04@hotmail.com. Thanks so much. Rosy
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